Monday, April 28, 2008

Chick, chick, chick

We have little chicks! We got them on Thursday and they'll be in the office until we finish their home in the backyard.
Why chickens?
Mark was against the goat idea hehe!
Just kidding. We have a big problem with slugs and snails. They took half of our summer vegetables in just a few days. I even resorted to poison pellets with much reluctance but it didn't seem to do much.
Someone mentionned that chickens would eat the invaders. And they give yummy eggs too. Well, they didn't have to mention it twice :). I like chickens ( my grandmothers in between them had chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits. It was a little sad to eat the rabbit you had been lovingly feeding for a few weeks. But we won't eat our chickens).
So, we got four. We love them already and they are already quite friendly with us. Unfortunatly I think one is a rooster. We might have to give him up since we don't think the neighbors would like us much if we kept him. But he is so pretty :(
Anyway, here is a pic of them. It's not too good but was taken on the second day. They have a few feathers now already. I'll take better pics in the coming days.
Cause I know you are positively dying to see them again. And again.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

How embarrassing

Almost a month gone. Ouch. I did not realize I was gone so long. I kept saying to myself I'd write tomorrow or the next day and here we are a month later.
I guess it's time to tell why I was gone so long: I have started my studies again. That's right: I'm an apprentice to a well known Herbalist and midwife. I definitely want to be an herbalist but I'm not sure for the midwife part...we'll see!
Needless to say this is a big change in my life and my family's life. I don't want to give up the jewelry business and we are still working on redoing the website.

(On this note by the way, I'm fairly certain that there is a special circle of Hell reserved for the Microsoft people.)

(And also, beware of forward slashes. That's right, forward slashes. I won't say anymore or I'm going to start swearing)

So, in between studying and practicing, the business, the 2 children, the house, the garden and all the projects that need to be done (or that I want to do), it has just been busy. But I'm getting more organized now, and I feel confident that it is going to work.
Well, let's hope so anyway because I'd really love to get my diploma ;)

Tomorrow I'll post pics and it'll include a surprise, hehehe...