Monday, August 21, 2006

First Day of School

Miss A. ( 7 years old ) and Mr. T. ( 11 years old in a few days ) are at school right now. All summer long I've waited for that blissful moment when the house is silent, and I can use MY computer without having to negotiate which usually goes like that:
Me - Darling, I need the computer.
Mr T. - ...
Me - T.? Did you hear me?
Mr. T. - mmmm?
Me getting a wee bit irritated ( although at least I know he is still breathing which you couldn't be absolutly certain since he looks catatonic )
-I need the computer for work.
Mr T. - But I'm mining!
Me - So?
Mr T. - I can't just stop!
Me - Well let's see it his way, if I don't work we'll have to sell the computer to buy food.
Mr T. who is only half listening putters a wwhaaatttt??? and promptly returns to mining.
The evil mother manually removes the child who then mutters all day long that he is oppressed. The mother then mutters all day long that Mr. T. has won a one way ticket to Africa to work in a mine and then we'll see he is still feeling oppressed etc etc...
So why then do I have a pit in my stomach since last night and why do I both want them back right now??
I hope they are both having a good first day. After all, I don't want other people to oppress my children. It's MY job.

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