Friday, May 25, 2007

Mother's Day!

I know, I'm really bad, I haven't written anything for so long and I'll give hints of why in the next few posts. For now, I'll share a bit of my Mother's Day with you ( it was almost 2 weeks ago here). First I want to say that it was a lovely day: Mark and the kids cooked the meal ( roasted chicken with herbs, tomatoes a la provencale, strawberry pie: all my favs!).
They had little gifts and cards that they always make themselves and that I love. They were particularly good this year. For example, let's see what my son's card says:

First page: "Happy Mother's Day!!"

( nothing out of the ordinary, lovely and sweet as you would expect )

Second Page: "I hope you like the present, but you have to guess what it is to get it"

( follows: a drawing of a bird with a seed in its beak. I guessed bird feeder and I was right )

But, wait, there is an asterisk at the end of the sentence. I'm told it refers to something written on the last page of the card.
And so I turn and at the top of the page there it is:

" I wanted to get you a $100.00 fountain but it was too expensive."

And then there is another asterisk so I look at the bottom of the page and it says:

"If I had a bigger allowance I could have bought it."

Mouahahahhahahahahahhaha! Well, played darling, well played! Sadly for him he only got a big kiss ;)


Candy said...

hahaha!!! your kids are born artists me thinks! The card of your son is!

Do you keep all these treasures (like this card I mean) somewhere? When Lola was born, I started a "treasure box" in which I put such things... I do the same with Loup now... I hope when they're older they will enjoy all these memories :P (but I will anyway ;-)

Valérie de Haute Savoie said...

:D Il ne perd pas le nord (si j'ai bien compris). Chez nous ce n'est que le 2 juin, et mon fils (plus grand sans doute) m'a prévenu que tant qu'il ne gagnerait pas sa vie je n'aurais pas de cadeau. Alors je me les fais moi même !

de toute façon, mes cadeaux sont justement que mes enfants soient là !

Laurienna said...

Candy froggie:
I do keep a lot of stuff (lots and lots of drawings!) but I think I need a bigger box now :)
My mom kept some things and I sure enjoy seeing them every time!

Valerie de haute-savoie:
Ah mais c'est une bonne solution ca: se faire ses propres cadeaux :):)
Et tu as tout a fait raison, le fait qu'ils soient la est le plus beau des cadeaux.

hiro said...

Sweet, sweet and sweet card!!!

I really envy you because of the card!! :) My son gave me some cards when he was small, but not now. (I kept them in my treasuer box. ) Now he just asks me for money or a new model cellphone, or something expensive. haha.....

You had a great Mother's Day!