Thursday, May 10, 2007

Party Girl

The Parents are trying to have a serious discussion.
The Daughter is going through the house saying rather loudly "Party, party, we are having a party!".
The Parents forge on, still trying to finish that talk.
The Daughter continues on and on and on. "Paaaaaaarty!"
The Daughter takes the phone, dials and says " Hi, L., do you want to come to my party?"
The Mother turns around and asks:" For Pete's sake, what are you talking about? What party?"
The Daughter: " Well, our party of course!"
The Mother: "But why on earth do you think we are having a party!?"
The Daughter: " Well, why else did you clean the house for?"


Candy said...

hahaha!!! I love it! Keep all these words from your kids and write a book!

What a beautiful pic here, she just looks like a queen-ish angel!

(now WHY did you clean the house? Because, yeah, your daughter marks a point: there must be a good reason! :P)

Laurienna said...

:):):)I had been raving for days over the fact that the house was dirty and since, weirdly enough, nobody volunteered to clean it for me, I just took matters in my own hands ;).
Ok, the truth also: various people are coming today...but not for a party!
A shame when you think about it...

Candy said...

lol :)