Saturday, March 15, 2008


Candy Froggie tagged me and 5 other unfortunate bloggers. We have to divulge 6 habits. So, here I go:

1- I'm a pain in the ass for 3 whole weeks after every time change. I'll drag everybody I cross paths with in this silly "discussion" over whether we need to do a time change or not. Including at the grocery store. Nobody is safe.

2- I need to open the windows everyday for at least 20mns. The weather has no importance at all, including when sheets of water are coming in on the hardwood floors.

3- When my children complain over the fact that I'm not fair or mean or whatever I tell them the story of their birth in detail. I'm not sure they'll ever have children.

4- My original hair color is a very dark auburn. Since the age of 15 nobody has seen my real hair color because I didn't like it. Recently I decided that I'd like to let it grow back to its natural state. Except that now I have white hair and it's just not possible to leave it like that.

5- When I was little I wanted to live like Heidi and I still do. Making wildflower bouquets, sleeping in the hay and spending my day with goats in the mountains would suit me perfectly.

6- I only buy candy a few times a year but when I do I'll finish an entire big bag in one sitting, feel sick and swear I'll never do it again.

Voila! I'm sure that was fascinating. Every body's blog that I go to and they actually know it has already been tagged so whoever wants it, take it!


hiro said...

No.6!!! I have the same ! >_<
for me, not only candy but cholates and other junk snacks.
I really want to kick this bad habit off, but I can't. (sob)

Candy said...

is #4 the explanation for no "meteo video"? Can't be! Or if it is, just do it as soon as you feel comfortable with your hair! Maybe you can find a colour very close to the original one? (as if you hadn't thought about it already! lol)

I can understand about Heidi! and his frekled boy friend, so cute! yeah sounds cool to be heidi :P

Laurienna said...

Hehe, you too! I'll think about you next time I'm finishing the bag ;)

Candy Froggie:
Ooops, I forgot about that one. It has nothing to do with my hair or me as a whole I don't think. I think it has something to do like you said: stealing the soul thing. I don't want people to stare at me when I'm not there. It makes me very unconfortable to think about it. I do better in group photos...I don't know why!
Maybe I'll do it anyway, you never know ;)

Candy said...

Laurienna: haha phewww ok, I understand then :P I don't want to steal your soul at all! brrrrrrrrr ;-)

but then, if I give it back to you, it could work no? :P