Thursday, May 03, 2007

I did it!

I found a camera! I'm so excited, it feels like Christmas even though I'd have liked to have Santa just hand it to me instead of giving several hundreds of dollars to get it but the world is never a perfect place. In a few days I'll receive my Pentax K 100D. It looks like the perfect camera for me and I'll have to try it extensively in the garden ;)
Also, I realized today that I never put a link to Ms Penny website..I'll fix that right away, obviously I need to work more on this blog. Ahem.


Valérie de Haute Savoie said...

Mine de rien un blog prend du temps ;-)
J'ai la possibilité de faire des tout petits films avec mon téléphone et je trouve cela déjà très drôle.

Candy said...

I've just checked about your camera... and WOWW it looks like we should get very good photos on here!!!
Very good choice!

Laurienna said...

Valerie de haute savoie:
Oui, ca prend beaucoup plus de temps que je loin! Ah, les ne sais pas pourquoi mais je n'arrive ni a les mettre sur le blog ni a les envoyer par e-mails. Il faut que je prenne le temps d'etudier la question ;)

Candy Froggie:
I have very high hopes for that camera :). Actually, I was really starting to lose hope finding a good camera for less than $600. And then I remembered my good old Pentax that lasted for ever...of course it wasn't digital. But, still, Pentax has a good reputation. We'll see...