Sunday, April 22, 2007

Children are so ungrateful

My son comes back after a week away with his class.
I tell him how much I missed him which seems to please him.
Then I ask him " and you, what did you miss the most?"
His answer: " my dog and my bed "



Anniek said...

Kids! You gotta love 'em!!!

No seriously....we "have" to love them - it's in some big old parenting rule book I have around here (covered in dust & cobwebs hehe).

There is something really special that I simply love & admire with children & cats.

It's their unblinking honesty.

Children haven't yet learned how to respond to such situations with an agenda - and cats never will!

Isn't that awesome?? : - ) *^^*~*^

Candy said...

LOL Penny, I'm with you here! hehe ... I'll try to remember that though when my kids get older... huhu..

Candy said...

(oh and pssshit: so glad to be back around your blog again!)

Valérie de Haute Savoie said...

Moi, la première fois qu'en rentrant d'un court séjour scolaire il m'avait demandé si il ne m'avait pas trop manqué mais qu'apparemment de son côté il n'y avait eu aucun spleen, cela m'avait plaisir. J'ai toujours tellement peur d'être une maman trop étouffante.

Laurienna said...

ms Penny,
:):) I never thought about that: children and cats being the same.
Mmmm, good thing they are both cute hehe...

Candy Froggie,
I'm definitly happy that you are back :)

Valerie de haute savoie,
Tu as bien raison. Moi aussi j'etais contente qu'il se soit bien amuse et qu'il soit suffisament independant pour qu'on ne lui manque pas. Mais, j'aurais quand meme bien aime un petit calin quand il est revenu :):)