Saturday, April 28, 2007


My camera is broken :(. All of the shots are blurry even the close-ups...It was never an easy camera but I managed fine for 2 years but no more. That's my second digital camera in 7 years (both Minolta's) and I'm really getting annoyed. It seems to me that the manufacturers are making throw away products all the time these days. At least that was my impression talking to the guy at the repair shop. Not happy. Sooooooo, does anyone has a suggestion for me?

Wanted, preferably alive:

One digital camera,
Easy to use,
Good light adjustments,
GOOD focus,
Macro function,
Last more than 3 years.

See, it's not too much, is it? I've heard good things about Kodak...does anyone have one?

Hers is my best shot out of the blurry 50 pics I took:


Anniek said...

What a pain in the bumm! I'm annoyed with my digital camera at the moment too - it's barely two years old and already it's playing up all the time (pffffft!).

Candy said...

Oh I agree with you about manufacturers! If you only knew all the stuff we buy and send back to the manufacturer to be repaired (when we're *lucky* and they break within the garranty time, you know)

What a pain in the bum (lol I just see Penny thinks it is one), specially since you really love taking photos (and so we do!)

Do you plan to buy a new one? (I hope so :P)

I like this photo here, I just expect a lil fairy to come out of it!

Laurienna said...

Ms Penny:
See, it's a conspiration: 2 years and they are out! Grrrrr...

Candy Froggie:
I'm definitly buying another one since I've got to have one for the business. And I'd really miss taking pictures too. So far no luck though..they are incredibly expensive when you don't want just the basic stuff :(
The picture is from my garden...I love artichokes..I keep saying that one day one won't get eaten and I'll let it bloom ( their bloom is spectacular) but I can't resist eating them :)

Candy said...

Oh I'm really jealous of your garden! It sounds fantastic! And even if I'm not good with flowers and all, yeah I remember the artichokes blooming... really a wonder of nature:)