Friday, December 07, 2007


Hey, so I've been in a foul mood for days and now I know why. I got the stomach flu. Yes, that's why. I heard you muttering in the back row.
On the plus side, I've discovered how to shed all these extra pounds from Thanksgiving. I'll keep that in mind for the next few years. Eating half a banana and a spoonful of rice every day for a few days might seem a little severe but there is no question that it worked wonderfully. See, lucky. This is going to be a wonderful holiday season ( see, politically correct blog here. Ahem..), I can just feel it.
Lot's of good stuff happened too though. Well, rewarding stuff mostly I should say but I don't have time to tell you anything about it now. Because it's the HOLIDAY SEASON.
But no worry, I need an excuse to hide out this evening since my father in law decided to show up. I'm not even going to go into that. But anyway, I'll need an excuse to disappear, right?


Candy said...


awww a stomach flu! You know how to start the season, you!!!!

at least you could disappear tonight...;-)

Laurienna said...

I did disappear for a while. The dogs and I enjoyed a really long walk ;). Well, good thing it stopped pouring rain.
I think having the stomach flu at the start of the season gives you a pass for the rest of the season, right?