Friday, December 14, 2007

Enough is Enough is Enough

I absolutely refuse to to go to more Emergency Rooms until next year. Note that I'm not asking for too much here. After all, next year is in what? A little more than 2 weeks?
After Mr T.'s fracture on the arm it was Miss A's turn this week. She fell from the bars at Gymnastic and fell on her finger. It probably wouldn't have done anything to it if it had not been in an awkward position. But the end result is the same. Or about. One doctor thinks it's broken and the other thinks it's a big sprain. Again the same anyway: her finger is black and blue and puffy from top to bottom. She's got to wear a metal thing to keep it straight while it heals. We have to unwrap the finger and wrap it again every day. Ouch.
This can leads to some thoughts on how differently people behave when they are hurt.
My son flats out refuses to be cuddled. Well, a little bit maybe but you know, not to the extent that you could tell him that maybe sword play might not be recommended right now. You know.
My daughter on the other hand. Dear god. I really think she should enroll in drama.
We have gone back to the days of toddler hood people.
Now, understandably, it hurts and obviously it is difficult to use the right hand for just about anything right. And so I've been playing the role of Mary Poppins ( who really, I mean, it's just not fair, she just sings and everything goes right; I sing and the cat wants to get out).
And that's fine. I was happy to do it.
That I think I've been duped.
Because when she is wrestling with her brother on the floor she has no problem whatsoever to use her right hand. None.
And her brother with the broken arm is flailing about like nothing ever happened. Like a broken arm.

My revenge will be terrible.


Candy said...

arggg my comment has been swollen by a big monster somewhere in the machines

I was just suggesting that maybe like a miracle, Miss A.'s pain could vanish for a couple of minutes, when she's wrestling with her bro only...

hmm, ermmmmm...


your revenge will be TERRIBLE indeed :P

I hope you won't have to visit the ER for the coming year, minimum!

hiro said...

This reminds when my son broke his right elbow ten years ago. I was so busy taking care of him because he hardly could do almost anything. :( And I had been having a sharp pain in the right side, but I couldn't go to the hospital because I was so occupied. And finally I went to the hospital with the sitch pain and soon I took surgery. It was an appendix and I was in a very serious situtation. I stayed in the hospital for about 3 weeks. >_<
It was good that I survived. ^-^)
While I was in the hosiptal, my son was very spoiled by his father. -_-)

Laurienna said...

Candy Froggie:
Ah, I'm reassured to see that I'm not the only one losing my comments in the great Unknown ( I realize this is very selfish).
Little kids are hilarious. Later that day she got a paper cut on the other hand and was positively HOWLING in pain for 10 mns and we had to put a bandade and so on. But the broken finger, pffff, no problem!

Oh wow, 3 weeks! It must have been a difficult situation. I'm very happy you survived :)
And I hope you got spoiled too ;)