Thursday, November 09, 2006


We saw Coppola's Marie-Antoinette a few days ago and I loved it. Visually stunning of course, but I also thought the acting was very good. I had never seen Kirsten Duntz in a movie and I was surprised how much I liked her. She really conveyed very well the boredom, isolation and superficiality of Marie-Antoinette's life. There are many angles you could choose to portray Marie-Antoinette's life and I loved that sophia Coppola chose to show the life of a teenager (she was 14 when she arrived in France) and what she faced arriving in another country. The modern music, which apparently upsetted so many french people, enhanced the movie really well . Very well done and highly recommended! My only grudge: the ending...

1 comment:

Laurienna said...

I've only seen Lost in translation and I loved it! I've got to watch The virgin suicides too.
I was explaining to Mark what a touchy subject Marie-Antoinette has always been in France. I was also saying that in a small way I'm in the same position than she was: people in another culture judging and dissecting every little thing you do and say and reinterpreting it with cultural bias. Not easy living in another country, especially at 14 with all the duties and all. Of course she was also very fortunate for a while, just like I am. As for the ending...I'm not saying, but it's not the death ;)
Tell me when you see it, I'd be very interested to know what you think!