Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Not being able to use your hands properly is very annoying. There seem to be some hope: I can now bend my fingers enough to type although it hurts. I still can't see my knuckles however. So I decided, since we are speaking of stings to put up these pictures I took in my neighborhood last week:

I wonder if it would have been better to be stung by one of those rather than a stupid mosquito.


Candy said...

huuuu, suddenly, when I see these pics, I feel all relieved that there's an ocean between you and I ;-)

Laurienna said...

Would you believe me if I told you I was happy to see them? All I was thinking was mmmmmmm all the nice tomato plants in my garden they are going to pollinate!
I know, several people have told me I'm nuts already.
Especially, when they look at my hand...

Laurienna said...

And by the way, goog luck this week-end...Let me know what they did to the hobbit house...

Candy said...

that went much better than expected for the hobbit house....phewwww!!!!

About your happiness linked to pollinating... LOL! You are definetely really unique! And I say that in the most positive way of course!