Sunday, April 22, 2007


And, so, for Easter we stayed in town...which is pretty unusual for us. I'm dead tired these days, falling asleep on the couch at 9pm...unheard of!
And you know, I thought I'd be able to rest. Pffff....Well the thing is, I'm just a little bit compulsive in the amount of things I want to do every day. Just a tad :)
And so I baked
And we went to the zoo
And we planted a really big vegetable garden
And we planted flowers
And we visited old town to look for a birthday present
And we went for long walks
And we had friends coming over
And we went to watch high schoolers do some ballroom dancing...and they were excellent
And I worked
And I worked some more
And we went for bike rides
And I made a new friend
And I went to a lunch with the other mothers in my son's class
And I went shopping
And we went to the farmers market and my daughter bought me flowers
And we packed for my son who was leaving the day after vacation for a fieldtrip with his class

Well, there is more but it's making me tired again :)


Anniek said...

Are they Flamingos in the pic???

If they are then I'm going to be spinning in my chair - because I always thought they only came in concrete and sat in peoples front lawns!

It sounds like you've had a most wonder-full (and exhausting!) are going to need another one to get over it.

Preferably on a sun soaked beach, sipping something cool & exotic looking - whilst twirling your toes in the sand! hehehe

I used to love these kind of holidays when my babes were younger - and I kind of miss them a little bit.

When you get a moment, you'll have to put up a photo of your gardens - so we can oooooooh & ahhhhhhhh at all your hard work ok??? hehe

Candy said...

oh yusss more pics of your garden so that I can steal some of your ideas :P

I wonder why vacations are always like that: exhausting! But you know what, I love them this way only, as if a week of vacation was a life: you do all what you can before it's too late! Life's precious, vacation even more :P

(btw, what's the difference between vacation and holidays, girls, I need your light here :)

Laurienna said...

Ms Penny,
You are a genius, I don't know why I didn't think about that: of course we need another vacation after the 1st vacation to rest from the vacation! Aaaah, a beautiful beach and a palm tree :)

Candy Froggie,
You are absolutely right: that's the only way to have a great vacation, especially with kids. And it feels so satifying when you accomplish a lot..especially when it's fun ;)

Now for the garden, I'm trying to take pics but I think my camera is broken: I've been able to do close up but the camera doesn't seem to want to focus on a larger frame..very unhappy, but I'll try again tomorrow :)