Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The First Day

So. The first day. Let's see...I pictured it like that:
I'd get up early, make pancakes and bacon ( their favorite ). Mark would be packing the delicious lunches, lovingly prepared. Then we'd wake them up. Still lovingly. You know "my sweet, it's time to wake up. Daaaarling...what would you like to wear today?". They would be less grumpy this way, see? Then we could send them out the door in the golden light of another glorious morning in Sacramento. They would be surrounded by butterflies. And I swear there might even be a unicorn. Or two.
And they would looove their teacher and so would I. And they would have a great time playing and enjoying being back with old friends. And when they came back, freshly baked chocolate chips muffins would be waiting for them. Oh, and the golden light would be lasting all day. And also if it's not too much, you know, since we are at it, temperatures under 86F (30C) would be nice.
I think, maybe I pushed it a bit with the temp. request or maybe the unicorns, but obviously the whole thing got jinxed. Because here is what really happened:

-Mark forgot to set the alarm clock. Miraculously, he wakes up at 7:22 ( we should have gotten up at 6:45). He stumbles out of bed all panicky and shakes me up rather rudely I might add. To continue the rude trend I get into the hall and shouts for the kids to wake-up and that they'd better move it too. Run into the kitchen and make the batter. Start cooking the pancakes. Forget the bacon. 2 pancakes burn while I'm pouring orange juice. A bit of swearing later, the kids are finally eating and luches are being made. The kids are dubious about their lunch, however after a bit of glaring theyput it in their lunchbox. They tried to get out of brushing their teeth since, you know, they are going to be late. No luck.
7:48: Mark and Miss A. make a run for it and cross the school grounds as the bell is ringing at 7:50.
My son drags his feet way behind looking like a zombie with his hair stuck up and glaring at anything in sight.

Mark comes back and while taking breakfast we make a list of stuff to do before the kids come back (We swore on the last day of school back in June, that for the first day of school we'd do something to enjoy yourselves) ( ahahahahaha ). There is no way everything is going to be done. We run errands until 2:25pm. Yes, that's when my kids get out of school. 2 gloomy kids came back that day. Apparently the whole day was spent in teaching them new rules. Stupid ones of course ( like: you can go only one way on the monkey bars). Ah and my old favorite: they don't want the kids to go to the bathroom during class time which is understandable. However. When you really need to go, you really need to go. Right? So, in my daughter's class they have to pay: they give 5 tickets that they have earned for good behavior or being helpul yadi yada...Now first of all it makes me cringe when they are rewarded for stuff that they should do anyway. But paying because you need to pee? With only 15 mns recess and only 3, yes 3, bathroom stalls, well obviously that is bound to happen.
Oh and I didn't have time to bake the muffins and the daytime temp. hasn't gone under 104F ( 40C) in weeks. Jinxed, I tell you. Or maybe voodoo.


Jack said...

Very funny! Sorry, shouldn't laugh I know. Unicorns! Not one, but two! Ahh, our unrealistic expectations. That's life in a nutshell.
Paying to wee, for kids, is weird.
Human Rights anyone?

Candy said...

LOL! Oh Gawd, that's a good one, you have a talent with writing, I tell you!

The first part of your post was so perfect I just wanted to be part of that perfect picture (I would have played the lovely neighbour, waving at the kids and feeding the unicorn with the most juicy carrots and apple!)

second part, paying to peepee! Shock! Back to reality? no, that sounds worse!

in 2 days: the weekend!
I'm sure Mark and you can make it with the muffins and perfect breakfast :P

Laurienna said...

Oh you can laugh ;). Yes I thought it was a good rendition of what life is too :). I'll submit your comment about human rights to my daughter's teacher tonight. It's back to school night for the parents. I just can't wait...I'm sure I'll hear a lot of "pearls" tonight too.

Candy Froggie:
I have no talent for writing I don't think. However I can talk a lot about any subject really :)
I'm sure the unicorns would have appreciated your TLC. I think they are feeling forgotten these days ;).
As for this week-end...soccer, more soccer. In a 44 C heat in the shade. Can't wait.

Candy Froggie:

hiro said...

Very funny!! I have had the similar mornings a few times. I don't wat to remember any more. :p
And I don't remember if I have had the wonderful morning with my family. -_-)
I can't believe the funny and strange school rule!! There is no parent who objects to the rule?

Laurienna said...

Yeah, isn't it funny the tendency we have to not want to remember these bits of life? I think the good times in the family have to be kind of "imposed " sometimes. I mean, if my family had their way at breakfast: my son would be on the computer, my daughter would be watching tv and Mark would be reading the paper. And sometimes it is that way. But often I'll make it clear that it's not my idea of a family breakfast ;). They end up liking it though. Family talks with me are often, hum, lively :).
For the rule about going to the bathroom, I complain enough every year that the teacher tones it down. My children reported having no problem whatsoever after I complained. But as far as I know I'm the only parent complaining though.