Saturday, December 08, 2007

The Strategically Placed Parent

Most people don't think very hard before choosing which side of the bed they sleep on. Seems like a pretty straightforward decision after all.

If you have children, this is a big mistake.

Because when it is Saturday morning ( the first Saturday morning in months that you can sleep in because soccer season is finally over and so there is no game) and it is 7am and one of your children comes in because they went to the bathroom. And they say to the parent closest to the door:

"There is a huge trail of ants going from the front door to the shower in the bathroom."

And you are so so glad that you are not that parent.


Candy said...

lol I don't understand why our devils don't want to sleep like to 10.00 on weekends! pfff, and there are not so many weekends in the year!

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hiro said...

haha,, I know I know.. It sometimes happenes (or often). My son or husband gets up very early on that particular day when we don't need to do so, and they wake me up and aske me to cook breakfast. grrrrrrrr!!!

Laurienna said...

Candy Froggie:
Yes, isn't it? Is it too much to ask? Only 2 days a week for pete's sake! And with all the running around that they do too!

All right. You need to teach them how to cook. Early training is best. And then, they will bring YOU breakfast in bed. At your convenience of course.
I'm still working on this myself. Let me know if you try it and it works :)