Saturday, January 19, 2008

Blackberries for Supper

I got miss A.'s nasty cold. Except that mine is really mild compared to hers. I'm thinking it must be the tea that I drank regularly since I started to have a scratchy feeling in my throat.
But, also, I have a wonderful husband who does things for me when I'm sick that he doesn't do when I'm well.
For example: we eat with the seasons. I mean: we eat fruits, vegetables, and to some extent meats and fish that are in season. There are several reasons for this but I guess the main one is that I really dislike buying fruits and vegetables at the grocery store. They either look like they are made of plastic, dead, or even worse: slimy. So, we grow our own and when we don't grow it we buy it at the farmer's market.
Anyway, the point of all this is that Mark went to the store and bought blackberries. Blackberries!! It was like eating summer. It makes you feel so comforted and relaxed to eat blackberries one by one, licking your fingers.
Thank you my love :)

And if you want to share a really nice moment with your children, give this book a try:

It's a very "sweet" story of how the strawberries came into the world according to the Cherokee people.
The story starts with a husband and wife quarreling. Both are angry and the wife leaves. The husband is sorry but he can't catch up to her to tell her. The Sun takes pity on them and sends berries to Earth to slow the wife's flight. Only one berry has enough power to do it.
And here is the last sentence of the book which is also my favorite:
" To this day, when the Cherokee people eat strawberries, they are reminded to always be kind to each other; to remember that friendship and respect are as sweet as the taste of ripe, red berries."

And the illustrations are very good too: everything is softened and simplified and it works so well with the story.


Candy said...

"eating summer"!!!
Oh lucky you!!!!

And I wish we could grow vegetable and fruits... not that we don't find good ones in Paris... we have very good ones actually. But so expensive!!!!
For average clementine it's 5 euros/kilos around here! (faint!)

(applauding Mark for the blackberries!)
(and thank you for talking of that book which sounds inspiring!)

Laurienna said...

We have the same prices here for clementines, but at the store, not at the farmer's market.
I love that book, it's perfect before bedtime!

hiro said...

I was also touched with the last sentence. Today I think I will be nice to my son and husband. (I wish...)