Monday, January 14, 2008

Feeling small

I'm short. I mean really: about 5'2-3". It never bothered me. But yesterday my 12 year old son had invited several friends and I was standing next to all of them. That's when I realized they were ALL taller than me. When did that happen?? Where is my baby? He has the same shoe size than me too. It's going to be cool when miss A. is the same shoe size as me: double the amount of shoes ;)
Oh, and Piper standing on her hind legs is taller than me too.
In short, I'm shorter than my dog.
Pray that she never sits on your toes.


Candy said...

small is beauDiful (that's not a statement for you guys! huhu)
I'm 1m58, no problem with that... except that I needed a few weeks to get used to the difference with martin (1m97)..hehe... oh and when I go to Hamburg, I do not feel german at all! they're all way taller there than I am!

Laurienna said...

"that's not a statement for you guys! huhu)" LOL!!
I'm just a bit shorter than you then. Wow, Martin is tall...
When I moved to the US I felt so small...and so skinny :):)

Candy said...

lol you felt skinny?!!! I must travel more often to the US then! It would be good for my ego!

hiro said...

I am only 154cm tall. :( That's why I couldn't become a super model. haha