Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Movies

We just came back from watching The Golden Compass. It received a lot of bad press from both the people who loath the books and the people who love them.
I loved the books ( no surprise there ) but I read them a long time ago. Very long time ago. Actually I'm going to read them again, they are truly very good.
The movie is disappointing but again no surprise there. Like Mr T. said when we got out: " the movie is never as good as the books". With maybe the exception of LOTR.
In the Golden Compass, the biggest flaw, I think, is the total lack of character development. I do mean total, not just badly done. And considering the number of outstanding characters in these books you really had to do it on purpose. The consequence? The movie doesn't grab you as it should and well, you don't really care what happens to the people in it.
It was OK in the whole: the scenery and the costumes are great. I'd kill to have half the costumes to wear ;). Well, maybe not kill, but you understand...

God I want that coat.


Candy said...

oh great we did not go to watch it then! Martin loved the books, and I will surely read them one day... I had read more negative critics than positive ones about the cinema happens once or twice a year here, we keep our *joker* for another one :P

great coat indeed! and perfect day to wear it today here (cold+grey+lazy mood)

Laurienna said...

Yes, I think you can skip that one and just rent it. The costumes many to drool over. Nicole Kidman is quite scary in that movie, she did a pretty good job.
I wonder how many weeks of starvation I'd need to look like her...

Candy said...

you don't need any week at all ;-) she is so skinny :(
I used to hate her as an actress, till I saw her in the Others! Then i found her so good, now I'm a fan!