Wednesday, February 27, 2008


This week we are only a family of 3. Well, I guess 6 with the dogs and cat. My son and his entire classroom, teacher and 10 parents are having a blast in Yosemite National Park for the whole week.

They have done several miles hike at high altitude in the snow, visited a cavern in the dark, listen to native american songs, did ice skating on frozen ponds, etc...

So everything seems wonderful and all. Except for the parents left behind who can't help but worry a little. Just a smidgeon. After all they had to sign a consent form. And what a consent form it was. Here is an excerpt:

"Environmental risks and hazards include rapidly moving, deep, or cold water, insects, snakes, and predators, including large animals; falling and rolling rock; lightning and unpredictable forces of nature, including weather which may change to extreme conditions without notice.

Travel may be by vehicle, skis, canoe, on foot, and by other means, over rugged, unpredictable, off trail terrain, which may include boulder fields, downed timber, rivers, river crossings, high mountain passes, slippery rocks, ocean tides and currants, and waves. Participant risks include falling, capsizing and drowning.

Possible injuries and illnesses include hypothermia, frostbite, high altitude illnesses, sunburn, heatstroke, dehydration, and other mild or serious conditions.

Communication and transportation are difficult. Consequently, emergency evacuations and medical care may be delayed.

Personnel may be required to make decisions under difficult circumstances, based on perceptions and analyses that may be imprecise and subject to error."

Yup. Did I mention that every year there are quite a few problems in between humans and bears? I sure hope they are still fast asleep.
Ah, and for the cherry on top, we received an e-mail from the teacher over the vacation that explained to us that a 12 year old boy had died from a fall in Yosemite the day before. He was not with the same people that our classroom was going but you know.
So, a bit worried.
A bit.

But Yosemite is incredibly beautiful, go see these pictures. It is worth it, isn't it?

Or not.


hiro said...

I have read that Yosemite is a great place. Someday I will go see the great nature. (I just wish..)

Actually I am always worrying about my son. I can't be relieved untill I see him coming back. He likes jogging in midnight(2-3am!!) to a convenience store. :((( And especially while he goes on a trip for snowboarding for a few days, or go driving with his friends(he doesn't get a driving license yet, though),,,, and etc, my worries reach to the maximum... T_T

Anonymous said...

Yosemite is a fantastic place. I had the chance to visit back in '99. My eldest though, tired in the car after the journey from SF, wouldn't get out and walk around! She had a 'Garfield' moment. 'Yeah, nice view, when's dinner?'
I managed to take some Ansel Adams type pictures. One day he will be as good as me, you mark my words ...

Candy said...

well, the form you've to sign is terrifying!!!! (ermm no I do not exagerate! :P)

Do you have any news from them by the way?

I've heard Lola, my little baby, will go away with her class, next year, for a WHOLE week. She'll be 6 only! Really I think I'll never get used to that.

I agree it's necessary to push your kids towards independence, but isn't 6 years old a bit young?

Laurienna said...

Yosemite is a great place. There is no reason you can't go there. Put aside a little bit at a time...
We always worry about our children don't we? I'll be very very worried when he goes driving with his friends too. Actually, I shudder at the thought!

Yosemite is very beautiful. And just, grand, I think is the word. Children always have Garfield's moment. I still have them myself ;)
Lol about Ansel Adams. A few weeks back we went to see a special exhibits with his work. Some of it I like a lot...and some of it was just...heh. Can we see the pictures you took?

Candy Froggie:
Yes isn't it?? You have to wonder that so many of us actually signed the thing and then let them go. I'm telling you...more white hair appearing every day.
They had a great time though. Of course.
A whole week away at 6?? Jeez, that would be too early for me! Where are they going, do you know? Not far at least, I hope!