Friday, December 15, 2006

Bloody Friday

You know it's not going to be a good day
-when you spill 1246 2mm dark beads on a dark wood floor,
-when the milk has turned bad 2 days before the due date,
-when you ordered a gift for Christmas and the company send you an e-mail that starts with " we apologize but... ",
-when you started your period,
-when your mother sends you an e-mail that says you haven't called her for ever and are you mad about something?
-when you step on a sharp lego piece while carrying 1 week's worth of laundry while your daughter is saying that she-just-can't-find-any-socks-and-it-is-7:48am-and-school-starts-in-2-minutes.

That was before 8am.I just want to go back to bed.

1 comment:

Laurienna said...

Ohoh....yeah, that wasn't a fun day ever. I get into temper tantrum mode when my computer doesn't work. It has a problem of some sort almost every week. Grrrr bloody computers too.