Friday, January 12, 2007

Boobs and stuff

Last night at the dinner table:

Miss A.: " L. ( who is the big sister of A. who is miss A's best friend, yes I thought you were dying to know that ) said something really discusting today! "

The parents exchange a glance, thinking that miss A. coming after a boy like mister T. could not possibly say something they had not already heard a gazillion times, encourage her to share this essential piece of information with everybody. Mister T. is gleefully waiting for what had to be really really good.

Miss A.: " She said that in 3rd grade your boobs start growing. "
" YUCK!"
Mister T.: " Oh man, what do you say that kind of stuff for! That's really discusting!! Oh my god, bleh!!"

The parents find the whole thing quite funny and Laurienna promptly reassures her daughter that L. is pretty much right and that she can see why miss A would find that discusting right now but that she'd bet that in a few years she'll actually want to have bigger boobs. Miss A. shakes her head in horror.

Now I'm sure any good parent would have stopped there or said something actually helpful to their son. However I cannot resist teasing him a bit. I think it's really good for him.

Laurienna to Mister T.: " And you, you seemed quite happy with my boobs when you were a baby. Ah, and we'll talk again about what you think about boobs when you're 15."

I can't tell you what he said, it came out more like a gargle.

I'll be back to tell you all about my fantastic ( in every sense of the word) extended Christmas. I know you can't wait ;)


Anniek said... are such great value aren't they???

I can actually picture the whole scene you described - it gave me a good old chuckle! Thank you! :-)

I feel a lot better after reading it - I'm a bit of a teaser with my babes as well and I don't feel so bad now knowing I'm not the only one who gets just a bit of enjoyment seeing them squirm just a little (in the most loving way of course hehe).

Laurienna said...

Candy froggie,
Yes, kids are hilarious and I love to see the process of them growing up. I'm happy they entertain you as well!!

ms Penny,
You're back! You are welcome for the chuckle :). I'm happy to see I'm not the only one who likes to tease a bit my babies as well ;).
And, I wanted to ask you: do you have a blog?? On Candy' blog, when I click on the link it says that your blog is closed...really? I'd have loved to read you!