Friday, January 05, 2007

Not Dead but Almost

Well, of course there is a wee bit of exageration there ;). Just a wee bit. The holidays were great minus a bad cold making the round in the family and like 90% of the population around the world we had too much to eat ( my daughter asked if 1n 2010 you had to have an even bigger meal than in 2006!), a bit too much to drink and we went to bed way too late. It was a lot of fun especially since the only thing we had been doing since Christmas was trying to repair the computer. It seems that the problems came when a big storm hit Sacramento, shutting down the power 3 times while the computer was on. Then, the internet provider was having troubles and when finally I tried to get online to post then Blogger was having troubles pffffffffff. Now all of this was in between Christmas and January 2nd. It was a beautiful day, a spring day really, and we decided to all go to the park, including Piper. We all had a great time, the kids found some friends and the dog owners were chatting watching the dogs play for 2 hours. And when we came back home Piper was limping. Of course I worry but not too much, must be a muscle, she needs to rest kind of thing. 2 days later she is still limping but a lot less and we decide to take her to the vet who annouces that she probably tore a ligament and requires surgery which would involve cutting the bone of her leg and putting in a metal plate and the recovery will take 10 weeks. But to be sure she needs complete anesthesia so that they can take x-rays. Needless to say we were in complete shock. We agreed to the x-rays but we were crushed: she is only 10 months old, how could this happen? After much reading on the internet I arrive to the conclusion that she probably just strained a muscle but of course we went ahead with the x-rays to be sure. And just this morning a specialist called, he had looked at the x-rays and he is sure it's just a sprain: " just give her a bit of aspirin". I was so relieved I could have kissed him :). So after 3 nights of not sleeeping and 2 days of reading on the subject of torn ligaments in dogs, life is back to mostly normal.
Tonight we are watching this, with a bottle of wine and Piper's head on my lap and I just can't wait!
And I'm also looking forward to visit all of your blogs, and Cecile I haven't forgotten about the waffles I'll post about it tomorrow when I'm a bit catched up with work ;)
And I just tried to post a few pics but no luck, blogger is mad at me :(


Laurienna said...

Candy Froggie,
I'm very happy to be back, and thank you for saying I was missed :)
I even succeeded in fixing the stuff that went wrong with the blog AND posted the pics I wanted on the post yeah!!
I remember that you said your cat died on a new years day...I'm really sorry and it's even worse when they have to get operations.
Hug was given and I got a big lick in return ;)
These movie nights are just great aren't they? I loved " Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind" too. Actually, now that you mention it, I'll get that next time. I hope you had a really good evening :)

Laurienna said...

Oh I remember when we fell asleep instead of watching a fact I remember it very well since , until 3 weeks ago, my lovely daughter never, and I do mean never, slept past 7:20 am. In fact if she reached 7 am we were positively giddy with joy :) She was waking up several times a night wanting to come in our bed. But finally it seems she is getting a different sleep pattern :). So, see, miracles happen, I just hope you don't have to wait until Loup is 7 and a half!