Friday, February 16, 2007

The Last Few Days

Were lovely! Mark's birthday was great. He is getting 3 parties, no less, which cheered him up considerably ;)
Valentine's day was very good as well. In fact it was great: we all got to dig in the mud to try to make a garden out of the backyard. We had a great time, followed by a great dinner and cake, made by me both in 30 mns. I got raved revues ;)( not that they had the choice or anything hehe ).
Yesterday, started equally great: glorious spring day, everybody in t-shirts, smiling and in a good mood ( see: valentine's day is very good for you ). We got the kids in bed at a reasonnable hour for once and we started to watch a japanese movie that I had wanted to watch for a while:

We were enjoying ourselves quite a bit when we suddenly heard helicopters flying over the house. This is a common occurence. They are police helicopters and are used to follow suspects night or day. So we just continued to watch the movie. But the helicopter was very insistent and usually they don't keep flying over the house, they make a wide circle in between the 2 big streets ( our neighborhood is stuck in the middle). Then they started asking (in a loud speaker) for everybody to close the doors and windows, keep the pets inside and call 911 if anybody saw something suspicious. Which was quite a bit funny, I thought. All right, so, of course we did, and the whole thing went on for a good 45 mns. The sheriffs came with their dogs, and they went in all the backyards with their flashlights. And I don't know if they found what they were looking for or not.
What's funny is that the whole thing didn't faze me one bit. We now live in a very nice neighborhood (I swear it's true, this stuff happens everywhere here) but we used to live next door to drug dealers and across the street from a gang. Which didn't faze me much either. My mom thinks there is something wrong with me. I don't know what to think. She is shocked that after the circus was done I just went to sleep, slept soundly with not a worried thought. I'm thinking: well, the sheriff was there with the dogs, the police was there, Mark was there, Piper the great beast was there, we live down the street from a member of the SWAT team, next street from us lives my good friend M. who is a cop and kicks butt, I had closed up everything that could...I mean, what else could I do at 1 am? Of course she also doesn't think I should walk the dog by myself at night, drink beer when it's not August, eat sausages, work, plant more trees, read too much and for pete's sake Marie-Laure you should wear make-up ;). Mmmph.
And that's my point: I'm not easily scared that's true but I'm not a lunatic! I carry a cell phone at night and keys can be quite useful. I know so many people in the neighborhood by now there are dozens of houses I could run to if I had a problem. Not mentionning a great big dog by my side. But my mom was upset and I don't know what to tell her anymore... Of course it's true: anything could happen at any time. I sincerely don't think paranoia helps though. But I'm sure the fact that I am in the States makes it worse for her. I just read in National Geographic that adults in the United States have more chance to die of a firearm assault than being runover by a car. What about in France though? I've been gone a while but from what I hear it's not safer..
So, what do you think, am I being careless?


Candy said...

careless? oh no I don't think so. On the contrary, I believe paranoia pushes people to arm themselves, etc., and do silly things!

Yet I find it incredible that your evening got that busy with the police actions! Just like in a movie! lol

Police is much less present in our everyday life, except in the streets, ready to tax one's car...pfffff

What I find scary is what you say about getting more chance to die of a firearm assault! eeeeck!

Laurienna said...

Ah, thank you! I was really starting to think it was me since my sister and my mother-in-law agrred with my mom, pfffff...

And it does feel like you live in a movie quite a bit here...especially when you visit ghost towns, old little towns that still have a saloon...
I'll always remember: one day I was walking downtown in a park when suddenly a little ways before me a thief snatched a lady's purse. He had not seen coming from the side , that 2 policeman on horses had seen him. He was so shocked when he saw " the mounted cavalry" coming toward him full speed that he just stood there letting himself be arrested with his mouth hanging open, lol! Poor guy. I think it took him a while to recover!

As for the firearm assault I'm afraid that some parts of the country have very dangerous places that make up for a lot of the statistics. But it does happen everywhere. There are also not much people walking which obviously lessens the chances of being hit by a car quite a bit ;)