Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween !

I hope you are all having a great time out there. My crew is gone with various friends doing their tricks, leaving me to the hard work of opening the door to cute little children,

protecting the candy bucket,

drinking the blood wine,

admiring the glow

and getting compliments on my socks,

and my house "ooooh, it's a fairy house!"

Have Fun!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Alrighty. There are several ways of doing advertisement for someone and so I have been thinking about this post all day long. How should I go about it? Let's see...I don't do that often you know..

Jack is an incredible photographer. Yep, and you don't have to trust me on that, look ( click on the pictures to make them bigger):

The light, the composition, the way the pictures pull you in...remarkable. And it is so difficult to achieve photography at that level.

Ok, and on top of that, Jack's current horrible job is preventing him from blogging. The horror. I want Jack back on the net. So go buy his artwork here so that he can make a living with what he actually loves to do. There are plenty more outstanding photographs on this site: . Actually, there wasn't one that I didn't like.

Can you imagine what a great Christmas present these would make...mmmm Mark? Darling I want the 3 top ones for sure. And don't forget that it takes time for the shipping know, I m just saying.

Monday, October 29, 2007


Well, well, well. It has been a while. Way too long I'd say and I've missed writing in this blog. So much things have happened and at the same time it's same old, same old. Mark and I have had a surge in work and so did the kids . Mister T. was doing a powerpoint presentation and was hogging the computer, hehe, and then both kids got sick with a strange stomach ailment that was going around the school, then it was a big cold for mister T. ( of course I got both). Then I had a huge fight with my mother-in-law and now something is wrong with one of my eyes: it is puffy, red and itchy. And it burns. Lovely.
But lots of good things also happened and these I'll go in more details tomorrow. And tonight is a stormy night and I love stormy nights.
I hope you are all well.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Last night

It's bedtime.

Miss A. ( jumping up and down on the bed):
I'm so excited that the tooth faery is coming tonight!

I can see that! She is doing some overtime with you this month...

Miss A.:
I think she is going to bring me a wii !

Mmmm, darling I don't think so..that's way too much for a tooth faery!

Miss A.:
Too much what?

Me ( trying to think fast, this conversation is not going the way I'd like it to):
Well, mmmmmmm, uh, oh I don't

Miss A. ( laughing):
Mama! The tooth faery doesn't BUY toys!

Ah. Where does she get them, then?

Miss A.:
Well, she goes and visit Santa of course!

Ah, of course, silly me!

Miss A.:
So, he can just loan her his sleigh and then she can bring the wii. No problem!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Home Decorating

I worked particularly hard this summer and was very well payed for it. So, I decided that the house needed a little sprucing up and I started thinking.
We need very badly a new sofa, several lamps, a rug and new cushions.
And, hopefully one day we'll get all of that.

But for now, I went for the refined and understated for which I'm so well known for.

And, plus, everybody needs a gargoyle, right?

So, without further ado, I present to you Edgar The Gargoyle:

Isn't he cute? My son thinks I have a really warped sense of what cute is. He doesn't know what he is talking about. Actually, Edgar looks quite a bit like Piper when you wake her up in the morning ;).

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Made With Real Potatoes

6 pm, It's time for dinner. Get up from the desk, stretch and turn off the music. Piper does the same, she knows what comes next. Legolas trails us wagging its tail and yawning. Miss A. arrives and ask what's for dinner mama?
Let's go see...
She grabs a bowl and the kitchen scissors and off we go. The air is warm with just a hint of coolness, just so that we don't forget it's October.
We get into the vegetable garden...what looks good today? Tomatoes, eggplants, celery, oregano and thyme. Perfect! Add an onion, make the sauce and put it on the gnocchi I bought yesterday.
Back to the kitchen, everything is bubbling happily and it's smelling wonderful. Especially with Irish soda bread cooking in the oven. Even the dogs come and try to peak at the oven door.
I get the two packages of gnocchi from the cupboard and start opening them.

What's that in the front of the package?

"Made with real potatoes."

How funny.

What do they mean exactly?

I mean, it was not on the package I bought last week with another brand.

Does it mean the gnocchi from last week were not made with real potatoes?

Or does it mean that the gnocchi from tonight used to be made from not real potatoes and now they are?

Or does it mean that some potatoes are real and some are not?

Mutant potatoes?


What if it looks like a potato but it's not.

But if the other potatoes are not real potatoes then what are they?

Maybe I could google it.

No, I don't think I really want to know.

" Mama, I'm hungry."

....Fine, let's put the stuff in the water....

Was I feeling ok when I ate the other gnocchi last week? Shoot, I can't remember.

Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, I'm SURE I was feeling queasy.

Oh god, maybe I poisoned my family with mutant potatoes.

Later, at dinner:

Mark: " You're not eating much, you are not hungry?"

Me: "Heh, not that much no. Could you give me some wine?"

Mark" "How is it?"

Me: " Fine, fine."

Me: "Do you think it's made with real grapes?"

Mark: " ????"

Monday, October 01, 2007

The List In The List

The plan was to do a nice long post but time is running out today. Are you like me? Do you have lists? I never put them down on paper but they are in my head swirling around. All the things I need, have to or want to do this day/week/month. And it's just the list in the list. The big list of the stuff I want to learn or do before I die. You know, The Big List.
But there is so much, too much! And everyday I add something: wouldn't it be neat if I could...?