Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Alrighty. There are several ways of doing advertisement for someone and so I have been thinking about this post all day long. How should I go about it? Let's see...I don't do that often you know..

Jack is an incredible photographer. Yep, and you don't have to trust me on that, look ( click on the pictures to make them bigger):

The light, the composition, the way the pictures pull you in...remarkable. And it is so difficult to achieve photography at that level.

Ok, and on top of that, Jack's current horrible job is preventing him from blogging. The horror. I want Jack back on the net. So go buy his artwork here so that he can make a living with what he actually loves to do. There are plenty more outstanding photographs on this site: http://www.redbubble.com/people/intimatestrangers/art . Actually, there wasn't one that I didn't like.

Can you imagine what a great Christmas present these would make...mmmm Mark? Darling I want the 3 top ones for sure. And don't forget that it takes time for the shipping etc...you know, I m just saying.


Jack said...

whoa! Thank you missy! (I'm blushing now)

Laurienna said...

You are welcome and it was my pleasure :)

Candy said...

What a great post! How many bottles of rum did Jack send you in exchange? hehe

I wish Jack will soon get *interesting* (moneymoneymoney) feedback from his art! If only he could find a way to live from it!!!!

Laurienna said...

Candy Froggie:
Rum? Now that would be neat :)
I certainly hope he can make money at it. It would be a shame to stay at a job you don't really like if you can help it.
Here is to Jack!