Sunday, December 02, 2007

School Newsletter

"New Nutrition Standards for the District

The new policy states that all food and beverages that exceed standards for sugar and fat content may not be sold to students during the school day, but can be sold either 30 mns before or after school."

What about idiocy? Still sold in american schools?

Yes I know I shouldn't say that.


Candy said...

LOL!!! oh my god, that sounds so much like.... "welcome in the twilight zone" huh!!!!

so if i understand well, the kids can officially eat the most terrible stuff 30 min b/a school! Kewlllll!

Laurienna said...

It's fascinating isn't it? I stared at that sentence forever, wondering if it was a joke or I just wasn't getting it or something but nono. They are serious. It's amazing, really, when you think about it.
So, I wonder what they will sell...they also said that parents can't bring home made stuff to the school for celebrations anymore. For food safety reasons. Ahahahahaahaaaa

hiro said...

School rules are always such stupid. When my son was in elementary school, I often laughed and surprised at the rules. :p