Monday, October 16, 2006


There was a nice "confession" post on I love that kind of post, it's always fun and it's a tiny crack in other people's lives. Which will explain my first confession...

Confession 1:
I visit this blog regularly. Ahem.

Confession 2:
I never rest when I'm sick which makes it worse and then I get very grumpy. I am also not trustworthy when it comes to take medications.

Confession 3:
I give my dog tidbits from my plate under the table exactly like when I was a kid.

Confession 4:
I love boots. The tall ones that are all leather with no heels. Yes, like pirate's boots :)

Confession 5:
In the family, only my sister knows about my blog. Unless my other relatives discovered it by themselves.

Confession 6:
my favorite ice cream is ( Phish Food ) which has marshmallow, caramel and fudge. Ben, tant qu'a faire hein!

Confession 7:
When my daughter was around 2 years old she took the habit of waking me up every day at dawn saying: "mama, mama, you can wake up now the sun is up!!".And one day I said: "Well, then he doesn't need me anymore now does he?". She stopped talking for a full minute at that point, which is still a record ;)

1 comment:

Laurienna said...

Yes I know both websites which does say something about me hum. Hehe purgatory...My husband looked at the confessions and laughed. He seems to think I only chose really insignificant ones compared to other stuff I did. Pffff, i'm not going to even answer that. I am a respected mother mmph.