Monday, October 16, 2006

Wasn't meant to be

I was going to do a cheerful little post about Halloween, decorations, cookies and pumpkin pie with lots of pictures. But it wasn't meant to be: my computer is lying in pieces with my husband trying to replace the hard drive. He is swearing profusely ahem. We have 4 computers in the house. Yes, 4. And not one of them is working correctly. It seems I'm also having side effects from the antibiotics I'm taking for strep throat, lovely. Laurienna jewelry has been updated though with new earrings and bookmarks. But the new necklaces and bracelets are not there yet. I'll put that up once I get my "real" computer back. If ever *sigh*
Hehe, I just reread myself: I sound so melodramatic :):)

1 comment:

Laurienna said...

Oh god no! Not a car seller at all thank goodness *hate cars and driving mode on*. He has been a lot of things: translator of boring stuff like you ;), secretary at the Nevada assembly (that one was a lot of fun, I got to go to the Assembly to be presented of all things, we went to parties, restaurants and "secret meetings". And I helped with his work from time to time. The senator he was working for was an awesome single mother and we all became friends). Then he worked as a consultant in Sacramento but he didn't get along with the people who were extremely religious and republicans. Now he works for an insurance company doing their computer stuff. But he doesn't like it too much ( boring!) so he is going to try something else pretty soon!
Now what does yours do?? ;)