Saturday, October 14, 2006

Friday the 13th

I'm one of these people who think that friday the 13th is a lucky day. Nothing bad ever happened to me on a friday the 13th. And I owned a black cat and I gleefully walked under ladders too. That was until yesterday. Yesterday my son's teacher sent her usual friday e-mail giving info on what happened in class during the week. It was student election week and we learn who won which post ( like president, vice president, tresorer etc). My son was not running which should exempt me of any sort of bias, right? Well, I learned that the kid who won vice-president cheated. He distributed printed t-shirts with his name on it ( which is against the printed rules given to you when you run and that have to be signed). Which implies that he was helped by his parents who forked a lot of money to have t-shirts printed. The teachers knew about it, they told the principal who said: "oh well". I'm so mad. I know it seems silly and they are only 10 and eleven years old and all. But you know what? That family works for a very well known actor who is our governor ( you know the one with the hummers and uzis galore). These people make me sick : they cheat, lie and weasel their way out of anything. It starts in elementary school and goes all the way to the president of the us. Black Friday indeed. Shame on you.

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