Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Still alive!

Yes I know, shame on me. Again. I promise I'll make more efforts to post regularly :)
It's not even for lack of things to say, far from it. Actually the opposite: so many things to say and like everybody else it seems, so little time. I've been working quite a bit of course. Expect lots of changes on the website in the coming weeks: new designs of course but also lots of new ideas and directions. And no,I won't tell in advance ;).
To do list for today:
- Finish an order
- Drink lots of thyme and lemon balm tea cause I'm getting sick
- Force that same tea down the throat of my 11 year old who is sick too ( yeah what a coincidence, don't you think?)
- Make brownies with the 7 year old because she was inconsolable yesterday when one of his brother's pet mice died (old age). After proper burial and quite a bit of worrying on my part regarding our giant puppy ( part canidae, part dragon ), that could have, ahem, desecrated the grave in seconds. So far so good by the way. So after that sad episode, I, thoughtful mother that I am make the dinner that I always do when one of us is overworked, sick, in need of a pick me up: chili. And of course it's dinner time and everybody is talking about their day and so I mentionned that I saw a falcon in one of our trees today and it was eating something.
Miss A. : " What do falcons eat?"
The Thoughtful Mother : " Oh, rats, mice, sqirrels and other small animals."
Now on any other day that would have been fine, right. Any Other Day. But not That day. Sigh. I'll pass on what came after ( more tears, reassurance that no the falcon is not going to eat the remaining pet mouse ( named Thunderstorm ) etc. Ah yes, I was talking about brownies. Well after a difficult bedtime, a small little voice asked if we could bake brownies together today. What do you think I said?
- Find a new hard drive because mine is quitting.
- Take pics of new jewelry.
- Plant coriander and Chamomile seeds.
- Give a bath to the aforementionned canidae/dragon. Wonder where that huge tarp went.
- I'll probably need a bath myself after.
- Make onion soup.
- Go to bed and sleep . Well, or read. Or beg for a shoulder massage.


Laurienna said...

I'm happy you came neighbor :) Yep I'm a mama, always make burial for pets and love shiny stuff ;) Hehe, but I know more stuff we have in common : red wine, albaaaatoooore, and favorite places of all: La Bretagne :). I can't wait to show it to the kids! They have been to France only once sadly :(

Laurienna said...

Yes, I like english better...sadly! I don't even know why...My son was born in France and we moved to the u.s. when he was 1 year old. He speaks and reads in French well. My daughter though, well, she is like Lola ;).Since I'm a mean mother I make her ask for crepes or other french goodies in french. She glares and putters but she does it :):)
No family in Bretagne very unfortunatly! We are from the South of France. The first time I went there as a child I refused to leave. My parents had to promise that we would come back for next vacation. A magical place in every sense of the word...