Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Happy B-day!

Happy Birthday Mark!!
He is turning, huh, hum, 26 isn't it? Sure there is a little bit of gray here and there but it just matches my own darling. And really you still get carded when you buy alcohol or ( completly incredible but true ) cough syrup for your sick child. Even though,really, you're 38. Oups, it just slipped out! Sorry!
And you're so fortunate since right on your b-day you get to go on a field trip with 33 eleven years old who have been cooped up inside for a week because of the crappy weather. 6 hours of glorious happiness. Eating a cold sandwich for lunch. Ah, come on, it makes you feel young. And the bonus is: you get to be with 33 happy (ok,ok,overexcited in a give me the ritalin kind of way, but it's the same thing really) little people for most of the day.
And no it's not raining. It's just the sprinkles on the cake :)

ps: I don't really have gray hair. I just said that to make him feel better you understand. I just thought I should be perfectly honest about this.


Candy said...

ohhhh ohhhhh happy -belated- birthday, Mark !!!!

(running to grab another bottle of champ'! :P)

and you know what?????
Martin is about to turn 38 years old... (ooops, i really wanted to type 26 here! too late :P)... in a couple of days, on the 17th of february! Funny, no?!!

(oh lol @the spinkles of the cake!)

Anonymous said...

And a belated Thank You! for the birthday wishes, Candy Froggie. It just takes us old folks a little longer now ;)

Happy birthday to Martin! We'll raise a glass in his honor tomorrow. Hear, hear!


Candy said...

ohhh thank you for Martin :-)
He had a wonderful birthday, got very spoiled, and now to check if he does not belong to the old gang yet (s), I let him take care of the kids most of the day today! :P yeepee!