Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th!

I find it hilarious that us of all people, would receive 3 invitations to actually BE in 3 different 4th of July parades: we just don't do the all american thing. At all. But when in Rome as they my husband and my son went to represent their soccer club in one of the biggest parade in Sacramento and miss A. and I decorated her bike and herself (and me A LITTLE) with all kinds of red, white and blue and we participated in one of the smallest parade in Sacramento. Mark and mr T. sweated their way handing out flyiers, talking to people and giving candy and miss A. and I strolled through tree lined streets chatting with friends and eating ice cream in the neighborhood. Hehe.
And to celebrate 4th of July in beauty we are having near record high temperatures today. I just put my thermometer in the sun and it said: 121 F. which is 50 C. It clearly wanted to go up more but that's as high as my thermometer goes. Obiously it was not made in Sacramento.
We bought fireworks this morning since it is legal in California to have your own private little show and that everybody does it. I just water the lawn well that morning. Of course you always have the village idiots that take their fireworks in the park across from me and manage to set the dry grass on fire there. Sigh.

I'm going to try my new camera for the fireworks tonight, we'll see how it does. Oh, and Cecile, I promise I'll post the recipe for Kansas city strip steaks tomorrow!

Now, where is the margarita?


Candy said...

maximum heat, margaritas, party time!
carammmmba, can I join you?! :P

Your 4th of July looks much funnier than ours! Besides we'll have like 15°C maximum with heavy rain (I bet 10 bucks on that :P)

But I have a plan, sending Martin with Lola to watch the fireworks just near under the Eiffel tower, while I'll keep an eye on the sleeping Loup ... and have a most quiet evening!!! hehehe

Jack said...

I'm hiding in case it's 'bag a redcoat day' hehe

By the way, erm, thermometers are only designed to be used in the shade you know ...
(I could put mine in the sun and it would tell me were're having a heatwave when it's actually bloody cold ... maybe that's a good idea, fool myself into thinking we are having a summer.)

Laurienna said...

Candy Froggie:
Oh you sure can join anytime ;)
That sounds like a great 4th of July plan...good luck!

Ah, that explains why the official temperatures are always taken in the shade then! The official temp for yesterday was in the sun I must not have been that far off. And it's not much better today...maybe I could can some and send it to you and Candy :)