Wednesday, July 18, 2007

In The Jam

Literally... Our fruit trees had their branches breaking with all the weight of the fruits so I decided it was time for action. I ordered, I asked the troops to go and pick it. Except that I didn't check how much they were picking. What followed was days of the remake of a bad B movie with what looked like a mad woman with hair that looked like a long haired hamster caught in the spin cycle of a dryer, measuring, pouring, mixing tasting, filling pot after pot after pot in a kitchen that was hot as hell for days. Yes, days. I'm going to cut the trees down.
The results are certainly good though :)
Apricot-basil jam
Plum-cinammon-vanilla jam
Peach jam
Apricot-almond pies and jam
Peach cake
Peach crumble
Peach clafoutis

I don't think I'm going back in that kitchen any time soon.
Except that on Saturday we are having a party for my daughter's birthday. And some relatives are staying for several days. They are vegetarian. Forget about easy meals. You know: paté and cheese and bread. Now, do olives qualify as sufficient vegetarian sustenance I wonder...


Anonymous said...

ben alors soeurette!! tu est dégouée par les confitures!!!!!!
moi j'aimerai bien en gouter!!
gros bisous!

Jack said...

I'm on my way over to 'help' out ...
Veggies .grumph. Give 'em a menu from the local veggie take away, I say!
I just find veggie Nazism so annoying. If you're a guest, you eat what is offered! Draw a line in the sand! Otherwise you'll have to provide a smoking room for smokers, a prayer room pointing to Mecca for visiting Islamists, a paddock for the sacred bullock for Hindu's, a clean room for those wit allergies and of course, a full Health & Safety risk assesment form to be filled in triplicate and signed by a notary for insurance protection. And I hope your jam's are not going to cause any stomach upsets ... See? Veggieism is just the thin edge of the stick. hehe

Laurienna said...

Et toi tu les a fait tes 2 pots? :):)

Come on over, there is always room for more ;)
Very well said! Veggieism, hehe...You don't mind if I print your comment, do you? Maybe I could do a little pamphlet that I could hand out at the door :):)
Americans are the most unflexible people in this regard that I have ever met and I've done my share of traveling and meeting people. Just the behavior of my children's friends regarding food is worth a post. Forget the post, I could write a book ;)

hiro said...

They look nice!!! I wish I could scoop and lick! :P
I am interested in vegetarianism a little. A few years ago I met a vegetarian couple, they were American and they really cared about their diet. Well.. I wonder vegetarianism is really good for our health. Because the wife looked much older for her age. >_<

Candy said...

lol @ "forget about easy meals"! so so true!

Did you know Martin was a vegetarian when I met him. Typical German creature, long-haired, into greenpeace stuff, vegetarian, very zen, etc. Which was/is part of his charm of course!
After one month in Paris, he had started again with tartares, andouillettes, carpaccio, etc, lol. He is now so carnivorous!

Candy said...

oh and I wish I was your neighbour!!! I would have found zillions of excuses to come when your clafouti, crumbles and pies were ready! (drooling!)

Laurienna said...

Lol about Martin being your typical german creature!
And I wish you were my neighbour too ;)