Friday, July 06, 2007

Sorry for all the pictures of the fireworks but we had a great time as usual :). And I love my new camera. I could never have gotten these pictures with my old one so...there it is!

The 2 last ones ask for a bit of an explanation. See, we have this guy in the neighborhood who apparently buys illegal fireworks in Mexico and then makes a show on the parking lot near the house. It's always really good actually and I got pics of his and ours going off at the same time :)


Candy said...

oh waww, I'll have to show your photos to Loup! He's CRAZY for fireworks ("boomboom" as he calls them)

very nice ones!

hiro said...

They are so beautiful. I hear that any fireworks are not allowed over there. Here we can buy them very easy. I can't imagine that no fireworks in summer. But I like small and a bit quiet one in hand. ;p

Laurienna said...

Candy Froggie:
"boomboom" :). That's really cute...he would have been very happy with our show this year, then...Mr T has a fondness that I cannot possibly explain for the ones called " screamers". I'll let you imagine what that sounds like ;)

In Sacramento, the fireworks are legal for 1 week before the 4th of July and that's it except for a bit on New Year's day. The reason is that the west of the united states is bone dry and the risk of fire is very great. In the park across my street, some young people started a fire with just a spark from one firework. You would not believe how fast the burn area from that spark spread....
The fireworks in Japan must be really beautiful :)

Anonymous said...

waouh!!! trop beua!! nous c'est le 14 !!! gros bisous

Laurienna said...

J'espere que vous vous amuserez bien ;)