Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Another Little Game

This one is from the excellent Candy Froggie....have you checked her gallery recently?

a writer: Robin McKinley
a painter/artist: Van Gogh
an actress: Kate Winslet
an actor: Johnny Depp
a director: Peter Jackson
a musician: Stephan Eicher
a singer (female): Alanis Morissette
a singer (male): George Michael, hehe
a band: Scorpion
an adventurer: Indiana Jones
a king/queen: Louis XVI
an inventor: the one who invented hammocks
a tv character: Veronica Mars
a movie hero: Zorro
a movie heroine: Hermione
a cartoon character: Road Runner
a tale hero: The Ogre
a tale baddie: Mr Mac Gregor (Peter Rabbit)
a mythologie character: a mermaid


Candy said...

ohhhh I love your answers!!!!
(what a surprise, huhu)

I just wonder for Louis XVI... why him? he wasn't liked by his people and had his head cut after all (brrrrrr)

(I'll have a glass of red wine while waiting if you pass around here :P)

(and thank you for the link! mwaaaaa!)

Laurienna said...

I have always had a fascination for this particular royal family. It was such a terrible fate and I had wondered if their son had survived the tower, you know all this stuff ;). I like mysteries :).
I'm going to go see if you finished your painting now :). I hope the wine was good!

Candy said...

The wine was great! hehe
But no time to finish my painting... By the end of the weekend I hope to get enough free time for it.
And on your size, any new jewel?! I must check on your site I think :P

for Louis XVI, yes fascinating time. I've always wondered how we could turn that violent with the revolution, etc... but then we're human beings and violence can easily be motivated (sigh)

I love History! Except the XIX and XX century that bothers me usually. Not old enough times for my imagination I guess...:)