Wednesday, September 05, 2007


My son turned 12 today :). He is an amazing human being and I'm very honored to be his mother. I can't wait to see how he'll grow up to be. I hope he'll stay just as he is: quirky, funny, amazingly smart, handsome and caring about the whole world and the people in it. Happy birthday Thomas!


Valérie de Haute Savoie said...

Happy birthday ;) (Mon frère porte le même prénom)

Candy said...

happy birthday Thomas!!!
12 years-old, almost a man now! :)

When I see he already got rid of dark vador, and when I see how cute (I know, that's a word our lil devils just hate :P) he is, and when I see how much he is loved, I can see (that my seeday :P) in my crystal ball that he will become Somebody, and not just anybody!

hiro said...

Happy Birthday to your son!
I have found how much you love him and you are proud of him! I belive your son's great points will never change. :) I also respect you and your husband who has been bringing him up. ^-^)/

Laurienna said...

Valerie de Haute-Savoie:
Merci pour lui! Et de passer par ici aussi :)

Candy Froggie:
That's exactly what I thought: almost a man :). And he hates it when people say he is cute so we say it often, hehe...
I wonder what path he'll choose in life. Right now he wants to make a great video game and he is learning code and all. He thinks that he'll do that when he is grown up too. But he also has always been preoccupied by people all other the world and the unfairness of it all. Since he is full of creative iedas for all sorts of problems, I'm hoping he can do something about that as well ;).

Hiro San:
Oh thank you very much, Hiro, it means a lot. I do think he is going to grow up as wonderful as he has always been. Merci beaucoup :)