Wednesday, September 26, 2007

8 yo and my purse

That's a really rotten title, sorry. Today, I'm taking miss A. to my hairdresser for a haircut. We used to go to a kid's place out in the middle of nowhere with chickens on the doorstep living freely in this little village and the haircut place had all kinds of old kids toys that were neat. And the hawaiian lady who cut miss A's hair was kind, funny with all kinds of good stories. Oh, and they had chocolate scented shampoo.
But miss A. turned 8 and she decided that she wanted a grown up haircut. Mmmmmmm, ok, I said without inquiring much further and I took an appointment with my hairdresser. Haha. Yesterday she finally said what she had in mind: short spiky hair died pink.
We negociated.
I'll take a picture when we come back but I can already tell you there will be no pink ;)
I know, what a letdown ;)

And now, The Purse.

Bought at the Pirates of The Carribean store in Disneyland, of course, where else?
It's really roomy in there, as you can see.

From the top, clockwise:

An empty sunglasses case. I have no idea where the sunglasses went.

A ziplock bag with salted sunflower seeds. Generously given to me by the H. family when I was starving at a soccer game. They grew the sunflowers, harvested the seeds, roasted and salted them. Yum.

The poop bag. Right, for the dogs.

My wallet which is too full. Not with money unfortunatly.

Coupons that will probably never get used since I didn't remember having them in the first place. And the menu for Mr Pickle's, a sandwich place.

An unsharpened pencil. Could I do more useless than that I wonder?

My keys. Incidentally I found 2 keys for my front door that I wasn't aware existed. I think they are multiplying when I'm not looking.

Little papers that you find in the chinese fortune cookies, from the last time I went to Chinatown.

The lens cap from my camera. I had been looking for it for 5 days.

French candies :)

Miss A dirty socks. Don't ask, I have no recollection of putting them in my purse. Yet, here they are.

An orange thingie for my hair.

My cell phone. Apparently it's dead.

A thank you note and invitation from J. She makes the envelopes herself from old magazines pages. Very cool and always pretty.

A pen. Oh goody, it works too!

A rock, some shells and beach glass collected in Carmel in August. I'm not sure why they are still in there. Apparently the 2 lbs of stuff I removed when we came back was not everything.

Kleenexes. Yes that's Nemo.

A gigantic acorn. I think it's made for a weresquirrel.

Little reminder papers from my dentist and hairdresser in the hope that for once I won't forget my next appointment. So far this has been a fruitless endeavor.

Ticket from a soccer game seen in July. Need to clean purse more often.

Bandades. I have to restock often. The scooby doo ones are in high demand.


Candy said...


Your purse, which looks absolutely great, is a real treasure!!!

Wawwwww! I feel so, ermm, empty as a empty purse in comparison!
It's wunnerful to discover so many bits of you here!

Laurienna said...

Candy Froggie:
Thanks to you my purse is now a lot emptier and so much lighter...until next week ;)
At least this time I didn't have underwear in there as opposed to the time we went to a concert at the Zoo in Portland. They search your purse and backpacks for security reasons. Good thing the lady was also a mother and thought it was totally normal :):)

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