Wednesday, September 19, 2007


So, the family flew away on Monday. The rest of the day was spent rushing around trying to accomplish all the stuff that needed to be accomplished 10 days ago. But in the back of my mind was: on Tuesday morning, date with Mark for 2 hours sipping coffee at a table looking at books and magazines. Right. So I've got a bad cold and I tried to cough my lungs out all night, but who cares, I'm going to the bookstore tomorrow to drink coffee with my husband. I get up in a daze to hear Mark say: "Oh, you're up! I was going to let you sleep in since you didn't sleep well last night." Ah. Well, too late I guess. But that's ok, cause I'm going to relax this morning. Send the kids to school, drink coffee and even though I know I shouldn't because there is no time, I turn on my computer. And that was a big, big mistake. I couldn't resist a peak at my favorite blogs that morning, even for only 15 mns and that cost Mark and I our sanity and sleep for a full 20 hours.
I got a virus on the computer. No, no, not on a blog mind you. TALKING TO MY SISTER ON MSN. Of all things. I was in a hurry ( I think I said that already), and I clicked on a download that I thought was coming from her. Turns out she didn't send anything but she was chatting with someone else who was also chatting with someone else, etc...Somehow in that chain, someone sent a virus that infected every single person who was on msn at that moment. And I was in a hurry. And I didn't check that she was the one actually sending the download as I usually do. Well, long story short, Mark got rid of it after 20 hours of effort. I think I actually invented new swear words and my nails are now a lot shorter. But at least we won.
Oh, and I had an interview with a journalist that day at 1pm for an article written about me and the jewelry business. I felt so relax and inspired I can tell you that. Just great. Oh and I had no voice because nasty cold + too much swearing is a really bad combination.
The paper wants to send a photograph to my house for the article. Ahahahahaha. Here is a tiny pic of what state my house is in.

I'll spare you the panoramic view.

But , today, wednesday, the virus is gone, the floor is mopped and the house slightly cleaner, laundry is done (almost) and everybody has underwear again ( I know you didn't want to know that), my voice is back to the delight of my family :):) and it's sunny outside. Ah, actually no, it's freaking cold, windy and cloudy and the weather people are threatening us with rain tomorrow. A full month early? What's the world coming too? Hehe....

Well, I need a cheer and that pic of the Golden Gate Bridge in gorgeous San Francisco is doing the trick for me as I hope it'll do the same for you. We had a great day there last Sunday but I'll tell you a lot more about that tomorrow. Right now I need to eat and rush miss A. to her gymnastic class and then work, work, work.


Anonymous said...

non mais dit donc!! comme si c'était moi qui les faisait les virus !!!!
d'abord ça vient de ma copine Laure, alors tu vois avec elle, non mais!!
finalement il était pas si mechant ce virus!!
bon, j'éspère que je vais pouvoir t'appeler ce soir!!!!
énormes bisous à tous!!

Laurienna said...

Pas si mechant que ca? Virus + worm qui se regenere tout seul si tu laisses ne serait-ce qu'un fichier infecte? Tu devrais verifier que rien n'est revenu. Mark a du constament enlever des fichiers, certains tres difficile d'acces...Oh et en plus ca pourrait infecter votre e-mail si vous ne l'enlevez pas completement.

Anonymous said...

meuh non !! tout va bien!!
en plus j'ai réussis à télécharger la dernière saison de NCIS!!
j'te raconte pas!!
gros bisous!
je t'aime trés fort!

Candy said...

Bloody scary this virus!
(touching wood here, 3 months I haven't caught any!)

Well done Mark by the way :)

If that's possible... I'd love a complete list of the new swear words of yours ;-)

Nowww...WAwww for your interview! I hope we'll hear more about it!!!

Laurienna said...

Candy Froggie:
You want the list? Are you sure? :):). Ok, maybe I'll do a little compil. I've been told that I'm very creative in the swear words department ;)

I'll say more about the interview. How I lost my english, that there was a huge zit on my face and that my pants cracked because I've put on too much weight, hehe...

I went on your blog earlier but haloscan ate my comments ;). I'm going right back there!

Jack said...

Hello, and wow! You've been busy blogging I see! Sorry I've not commented or visited, been away.
Read all, but will only comment here. Stressful time you've had hmm?
I'd suggest you jumping on my lap for some comfort but you're hubby might not approve ...

Laurienna said...

Hi there! I'm happy you're back and visiting again :)
I'm guessing hubby wouldn't approve of the lap but what about a good story mmmm? Now, that would be really good right now ;)

Candy said...

LOL, haaa Jack wouldn't be Jack if he didn't offer his laps to a lady who needs comfort! hehe What would be the world without our Jack! I wonder...not! :)