Thursday, June 21, 2007

And in the series of....

Events that curiously makes you use "no sleep" and "Miss A" in the same sentence...
Last night 4:30 am:
Miss A: "Papa, papa, wake up!"
Papa: "Mmmmmmm, what's wrong?"
Miss A.: "I just lost a tooth"
Papa and Mama: "What??? How can you lose a tooth at night!?"
Miss A.: "I dreamed about it and then it happened."


Candy said...

LOL !!!!!!!!!!
Well, Miss A. is a magician, that was her lil secret!!! Yes!!!!!

Laurienna said...

Yes, that's it, a magician lol! She is about to be even better at it too: she got faerie dust from the tooth faerie ;)
And tonight she has a friend coming for a sleepover..last time they stayed awake until 11:30pm and woke up at 5:30 am. *sigh*

Anonymous said...
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Candy said...

5.30 am....... vive les vacances, huh !!! :P